Lowest Price Guarantee

We Not Only Match the Competition, We Beat Them by  5%

We not only will match our competitors pricing but we will beat it by 5%. So for us to beat a price this is how it works to qualify for the Lowest Price Guarantee:

  • the price matched product needs to be a comparable stocked product
  • we need a quote emailed from you that is provided from another supplier for comparable quality product at a regular price.  ( No discounts or sales will qualify )
  • the quote needs to be from a Canadian or USA - based supplier
  • the quote needs to have the included shipping costs and duty / customs charges from USA suppliers
If your quote meets this criteria, we guarantee to offer you a lower price for the product — and you win.

Note: If we don't stock the product or the quoted product is of inferior quality to ours we may not be able to beat your quoted price.
